Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saturday June 19, 2010

Q: What is singers' emboli?

Answer: Helium gas emboli in singers

An interesting cause of "Helium emboli" can occur from inhalation of pressurized helium. Some singers intentionally inhale high-pressure helium for entertainment or to produce a change in their voice. Inhaled high-pressure gas can produce high transpulmonary pressure sufficient to rupture alveoli and surrounding blood vessels, introducing gas into the pulmonary veins and allowing systemic embolization through the left heart; particularly in an upright person!

But more common cause of "helium emboli" is from IABP. Intra Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP) Counterpulsation utilizes helium gas to inflate its balloon. As Helium is a low density as well as an inert gas, in case of balloon rupture it is easily absorbed into the bloodstream. But fairly well numbered incidents of "Helium emboli" after balloon rupture have been described in literature.

Major clinical sign of helium embolus is neurological deficit associated with other findings of balloon rupture as blood in the tubing. Treatment is hyperbaric oxygen.

1. Cerebral and coronary gas embolism from the inhalation of pressurized helium Critical Care Medicine: May 2002 - Volume 30 - Issue 5 - pp 1156-1157

2. Cerebral Gas Embolism Resulting From Inhalation of Pressurized Helium - Annals of Emergency Medicine Volume 28, Issue 3, Pages 363-366, September 1996

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